Camino de Zolina s/n - 31192 Mutilva Baja (Navarra) - 948 176 560 -
Castellano   Euskara   English  
Therapies and professionals
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Educational psychology
Social Welfare work
Primary Treatment Technicians
Advanced programs
The necessary professional profiles for the resource work carried out by Adacen

Social Educators
Their fundamental activity is to be found in the area of social integration and the re-training process of daily life activities. Their mission is to program, to evaluate, to organize and to develop the activities of social integration, based on the application of strategies for the development of personal autonomy and development of work insertion skills.

Monitors of workshops - Professionals basically in charge of leisure time activities.

Technicians of Social Health Attention. They are implicated in carrying out the support work necessary for basic activities (hygiene, food, dress, and basic cares) so that these needs are covered by a proper response to the needs of the person.
Drivers - professionals who must guarantee the safety of the persons being taken to and from centers, without endangering the lives of the user. They should always carry out their tasks by following the safety measures set down for this purpose and be aware of the adaptations that are needed in the vehicle.