Camino de Zolina s/n - 31192 Mutilva Baja (Navarra) - 948 176 560 -
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Legal warning and Privacy Policy
Please read this document carefully. It contains the Legal Warning and the privacy policy which regulates the access, browsing and use of the web page located at the URL (hereafter called the “Web Site”).
Access, browsing and use of the Web Site implies the unreserved expressed acceptance of all the terms found therein, having the same validity and efficiency as any other type of contract that is written out and signed.
Its observance and fulfillment will be demanded from any person who might access, browse or use the Web Site. Should you not be in agreement with the terms laid out here, please do not access, browse or use this Web Site.
Owner: ASSOCIATION OF CEREBRAL DAMAGE IN NAVARRA (henceforth ADACEN, the firm or owner of the Web Site)
Address: Camino de Zolina s/n / 31192 Mutilva Baja (Navarra)
Tfno.: 948 17 65 60
C.I.F.: G – 31523715
This present Legal Warning and privacy policy lays down the terms and conditions (henceforth, the “Terms y Conditions”) by which access, browsing and use of this Web Site is regulated, notwithstanding that Adacen reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the same, as well as the conditions required for accessing, browsing or using the foresaid Web Site. Access and/or use of the Web Site after its modifications or changes come into force means acceptance of the same by all users.
Nevertheless, access to certain content and the use of certain services could be submitted to particular conditions, which, in this event, will be clearly displayed and which must be expressly accepted on the part of all users. These particular conditions could substitute, complete or, in the case, modify those outlined in this present document.
By means of reading the present content, you can be informed about the way that ADACEN collects, deals with and protects all the data of a personal nature found on its web page,, as well as the data arising from the browsing of the web site or provided by the on-line forms and all other data that could be provided in the future to the firm through whatever means is used. .
This Legal Warning and privacy policy should be carefully read. It has been outlined in a clear and simple form in order to ensure its comprehension and to permit users to decide in a free and voluntarily manner if they wish their personal data to be given to the owner of the web page, that is to say, Adacen.
Access and browsing of this Web Page is free and does not require any kind of registration. Access and use of this web page means that the user fully accepts the Legal Warning and accepts the obligation to fulfill all the requirements which are outlined here. In addition, the user must comply with the instructions or recommendations which are indicated in each concrete case through the Web Site.
Adacen is the owner, or in this case, it has the corresponding license about all the exploitation rights of its intellectual and industrial ownership which are necessary in order to operate the Web Site, as well as all the content found on the site, including the platform itself, texts, photos, illustrations, logos, brand names, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other kind of information or content and of all the services available through this Web Site.
In no case will it be understood that access, browsing and use of the Web Site by the user implies a renouncement, transmission, license or total or partial cession of the copyrights by the firm. The user has the right to use the content and/or services of the Web Site only and solely to avail of the benefits in accordance with the stipulations outlined here.
References to brands or commercial names which are registered, or any other distinctive signs, be they the property of Adacen or of third parties, are implicitly prohibited from use without the consent of the firm or of its legitimate owners. At no time does access browsing or use of the Web Site or of its contents confer any rights to the user of any distinctive signs or logos, except in the case that the opposite case is clearly stated in these present conditions which are outlined here.
All rights of ownership and copyright are reserved on the content and/or services of the Web Site and, in particular, it is prohibited to modify, to copy, to reproduce, to publicly communicate, transform or distribute by any kind of medium whatsoever the totality or part of the content found on the Web Site no matter what the purpose may be if precise permission has not been authorized and written out by the firm.
Likewise, it is forbidden to eliminate or manipulate the directives on copyright and other credits that identify the holders of the rights of the content which the user might find on the Web Page. The same goes for the technical devices for protection or any other mechanism or information which is incorporated in the contents offered on the Web Site.
In the case where the user sends information or content of any kind to the holder, through any one of the channels made for this purpose, the user is declaring and guaranteeing and accepting that he/she has the right to do so freely and that this particular information does not infringe any copyright or commercial secret or any other rights of third parties and that this particular information is not confidential nor prejudicial to third parties.
The user recognizes and assumes responsibility, having no bearing whatsoever on the integrity of the Holder, for any kind of communication or content that he/she might send personally or in their name.
If the user had any knowledge of the existence of any illicit content, contrary to the laws, or which might mean an infringement on copyright or of any other kind of violation of rights, he/she should immediately notify the Owner through the email so that the opportune steps could be taken in retaliation.
In the same manner, in the case where the user or a third party might consider that some of the content of the Web Site which is the property of the Owner infringes on the rights of copyright, he/she should send a written communication to with the following information:
1) Identification data and a means of contact from the claimer or from his legal representative.
2) Documents that show his condition as Holder of the copyrights which have been infringed.
3) Give a detailed account of the rights which have supposedly been infringed by the Owner of the Web Page, as well as outlining the precise point where any infringement might have taken place.
4) An exact declaration on the part of the claimer on how the use of the content has been made without the consent of the claimer and any rights which might have been supposedly infringed.
In the case that the Web Site shows links to other web pages by means of different buttons, links, banners and/or absorbed content, the firm informs that these are being managed by third parties, not having the ownership of this Web Site nor human means nor technical means to learn about them beforehand and to control and test all the information, content, products or services facilitated by other platforms to which links can be established from this Web Site. Consequently, the firm cannot assume any kind of responsibility for any aspect whatsoever related to the platform or web page to which a link can be established from this Web Site. That is to say, in an expository manner, but not restrictive, about its workings, access, data, information, files, quality and trustworthiness of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its content, in general.
In this sense, if the users had any effective knowledge of the fact that the activities developed through these third/party web pages were illegal or if they contravene the moral or order or public order in any way, they should immediately inform the Owner so that steps could be taken to disable the access link to those pages. This is an action which would be carried out in the shortest possible time.
In any case, the establishment of any type of link from the Web Site to any other remote web page does not imply that there exists any type of relationship whatsoever or collaboration or dependence between the Firm and those responsible for any such remote web pages.
The firm could make available to its users, through different tools and applications, a means of linking which would allow the users to access channels and pages from its Web Site which are found on different platforms and social networks and management by third parties (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, etc.). The inclusion of these links on the Web Page has as its only purpose a way of facilitating things for the users by letting them access these channels and platforms and different social networks. The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any kind of relationship between the firm and the owner of any of these linked-up platforms nor does it imply any kind of acceptance or endorsement on the part of the firm of the content and services provided there. Only the owners, creators or distributors of these platforms and social networks are responsible for those sites.
In no case does ADACEN share with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social network that might come into being in the future, any sort of private information about its users, and its only purpose is what is already outlined in its Legal Warning and Privacy Policy for its Web Site. In this sense, all the information which the user wishes to pass on to these platforms will be at their own responsibility and without any interference from the firm in such a process.
The activation and use of these applications could entail giving the identification and authenticity of the (login/password) on the corresponding platforms, totally remote from our Web Site and beyond the control of the owner of the Web Site. On accessing those remote networks, the user enters a setting which is totally beyond the control of The Firm and therefore no responsibility is accepted related to the configuration and security of those remote settings.
Given that ADACEN does not have any control over the remote content found in those channels, the user will acknowledge and accept that no responsibility is assumed by the firm for the content and the services which the user might access in those remote sites nor have any responsibility for the content, products, services, publicity nor any other material available there in those sites.
The firm does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Web Site from those web pages which contain illegal, degrading, obscene or illicit material, information or content and which, in general, contravene the law, morality, public order or the social norms which are generally accepted.
In any case, users can establish, on web pages which they own, links that direct us to The Web Site, only when they fulfill the following conditions: a) the link does not reproduce the content of the Web Site or parts of the same in any way; b) It is no permitted to create a browser nor any kind of border environment about the sections of the Web Site, nor modify the Web Site in any way; c) It is not permitted to carry out any kind of protest or make any kind of false or inexact indications about the Web Site. Nor is it permitted to declare or insinuate in any way that the Firm has authorized the link or imply that it has supervised or assumed the content or services offered there or which have been made available on that remote web page when the link may be put; d) the web page which has established this link to our Web Site must not contain information or illicit content contrary to the moral and good habits generally accepted in line with public order. Nor should it keep any kind of content that goes against the rights of third parties, including copyright, honor and personal intimacy or  against personal families or against the image itself of the Web Site. It must not contravene the regulations and norms of the protection of data of a personal nature.
The firm does not have the human means nor the technical facilities to learn about or to control or to check all the information, content, products or services facilitated by other web pages which have links established to the Web Site. The firm does not accept any kind of responsibility for any aspect whatsoever of the remote web pages which might have links established to the Web Site. In particular, it does not accept any kind of expository and non- restrictive facts about its about its workings, access, data, information, files, the quality and trustworthiness of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its content, in general.
It is forbidden, and consequently, it consequences will be the exclusive responsibility of the user, to access the Web Site for malicious and illegal reasons without lawful authority, whether with the aim of profiting from it or for any other reason. More concretely, the following list details some of the actions considered forbidden, although it is by no means restricted solely to the following points:
1. To use the Web Site in any way that could provoke damage, interruptions, inefficiency or defects in its workings or in the computers of third parties.
2. To use the Web Site for the transmission, installation or publication of any kind of virus whatsoever or any other type of malicious codes or programs or harmful files.
3. To use the Web Site to collect data of a personal character belonging to other users, without taking into consideration the existing regulations about the protection of data.
4. To use the Web Site in an illegal way, contrary to good faith, morality and public order.
5. To Register or contact with the Firm through the Web Site with a false identity, supplanting third parties or using their profile or by carrying out any other action which might confuse other users about the identity of the user.
6. To access any section of the Web Page without authorization, or other systems or networks connected to the Web Site, or to access the browsers of The Firm, or any services which are being offered through the Web Site, my means of piracy or falsification, the extraction of passwords or by any other type of illegitimate medium .
7. To violate, or to attempt to violate, the security measures or authenticity of the Web Site or any network connected to it, or the security measures inherent in the content offered on the Web Site.
8. To commit any act that might provoke a disproportional or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Web Site or in the systems or networks of the Firm or in the systems or networks connected to the Web Site
9. To impede the normal progress of an event, competition, promotion or any other available activity through the Web Page or any of its workings be it illegally altering or attempting to alter in any malicious way, the access, participation or working of these or of attempting to falsify the results of these or using fraudulent methods, by whatever malevolent process and/or by means of any kind of activity that goes against these outlined conditions.
The breach of any of the above-mentioned obligations on the part of the user could bring about the adoption of opportune measures by the firm in accordance with the law and to exercise its legal rights and obligations which could mean the elimination or blockage of the user’s account without possibility of indemnity for the harm or damage that might cause.
Likewise, the Web Site has areas in which the users may participate, publish their own content or have it published by the Firm. These areas may be belonging to the Firm and so, dependent and under the control of the same firm, or they may be remote from the firm, being independent social networks beyond the control of the firm. The firm cannot be held responsible for them nor for their proper working nor can the firm be held responsible for the conditions and policies, and it is the users themselves who must consent and assume the treatment that is given to the information published in those platforms and remote web pages.
In any case, we inform everyone that, in taking part in any of these remote areas, the rest of the users of the Web Site may access and use all the content published by the user. The Firm cannot control whatever the users make of this content and consequently it cannot be held responsible in any way for that content. The firm recommends that no data of a personal nature be published there or materials used that have copyright or any other kind of rights.
With the aim of keeping the Web Site a safe zone and to protect our users, it is patently forbidden to publish content that:
1. That might be considered a violation of any sort against fundamental rights of honor or against family or personal intimacy or against the correct image of third parties and, above all, against the under-aged.
2. That might include photos that show images or personal data of third parties without having obtained the proper consent of the owners of these.
3. That might violate the secret of communications or which could be considered an offence against copyright or against the legal regulations that protect data of a personal nature.
4. That might contain any kind of illegal material or information, be it racist, obscene, pornographic, abusive, defamatory, deceiving, fraudulent or in any way contrary to the moral and public order
5. That might contain spam and/or links to sites which have no relation to the corresponding site
6. That includes publicity or commercial communications with the aim of broadcasting messages for the purpose of publicity or for the collection of data to the same end.
The user who fails to comply with these prohibitions will be responsible for any claim that might come about as a result of these misdemeanors. Although no claim might be made by third parties, the firm reserves the right to impede access to the Web Site or to prevent any possibility of participation in the areas kept for this purpose for any users who do not comply with these conditions.
The firm does not control the content published by users of the Web Site and it does not accept any responsibility for that content. However, the firms reserves the possibility of supervising and or moderating any content published by the users and in the case where that content violates the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy of the Web Site, of editing or eliminating this content.
Likewise, should you find any information or content on the Web Site which might be improper, or contrary to the existing norms, or which goes against the conditions outlined for this Web Site, we would ask that you let the firm know immediately through the different mediums which exist for this purpose.
The firm cannot guarantee the trustworthiness, usefulness and veracity of absolutely all the information and services on the Web Site, nor the usefulness or veracity of the documentation which is available there.
Consequently, the firm does not guarantee nor accept responsibility for:
(i) the continuance of the contents of the Web Site.
(ii) The non-existence of errors in this aforementioned content.
(iii) The absence of a virus and/or other harmful components on the Web Site or on the browser that supplies the website
(iv)  The invulnerability of the Web Site and/or the impossibility of violating the security measures which have been used in this website.
(v) The lack of usefulness or performance of the content of the Web Site
(vi) The damage or harm that could be caused to oneself or to third parties, by anyone who infringes the conditions, norms or instructions that the Firm has established on the Web Site or through the vulnerability of the safety systems of the Web Site.
However, the firm declares that all the necessary measures have been adopted within their scope and in the abilities of the technicians, in order to guarantee the workings of the Web Site and to reduce errors to a minimum in the system both from the technical point of view as well as the content published on the Web Site. Likewise, to avoid the existence or transmission of virus and other harmful components to the computer systems of the users.
The firm does not guarantee the lawfulness, trustworthiness and usefulness of the content which is supplied by third parties through the Web Site. If the user should have any knowledge of the existence of some illicit, illegal content contrary to law, or which might mean a violation of third party rights, this should be notified immediately to the Firm so that it can take the necessary steps against it.
The firm will not be responsible for the veracity, integrity or updating of any information published on the Web Site which come from remote sources, nor for the content on other platforms which are linked to the Web Site. The Firm does not accept any responsibility for any hypothetical damage that might arise from the use of such above-mentioned remote information.
The firm has made a channel available to its users through which they can communicate and make known the existence of content whatsoever that they might feel goes against the law or which violate the rights of third-parties. If you should have any knowledge of some of these circumstances, you should let the firm know immediately so that this content may be examined and rejected or made unavailable by writing to the email address:
The firm reserves the right to withdraw, modify, restrict or interrupt the use of the Web Site, be it temporarily or permanently, and to deny access, browsing, or use. It also reserves the right to reject material being loaded or unloaded on the Web Site or the use of any services on the Web Site with or without previous notification to any users who might contravene any of the regulations outlined in this present Legal Warning text, and denies any possible claim for compensation on the part of the user for these steps.
ADACEN manages its own content so that the firm is the owner and the authority that can publish this content. Should you feel that some copyright has been abused or should you not wish to receive communication by way of a newsletter, we would ask that you let us know as soon as possible. The firm expressly reserves the right to interrupt at any moment and without any previous warning, the services laid down in this section, be it of a temporary or a permanent nature.
In conformity with that outlined by the By-law Reglamento 2016/679 (UE) General Protection of Data of a Personal Nature and the Bill, Ley Orgánica 3/2018, passed about Protection of Data of a personal nature and a guarantee of digital rights, all of the data of a personal nature submitted during the use of the Web Site, will be treated in conformity with that outlined by law and the conditions of use of this domain which will be outlined below:
An obligation to facilitate data.
The data requested in the forms available on the Web Site are of a general character, obligatory (except where in the field requested the opposite is stated) in order to comply with the established aims.
Consequently, if these are not facilitated or if they are not facilitated correctly, they cannot be given attention without detriment of the possibility of the content being visited and or visualized freely on the Web Site.
To what end will the firm deal with personal data and for how long?
Depending on the applications and interactions which take place, the personal data collected will be dealt with by ADACEN in accordance with the following purposes:
In order to attend to the applications which have been formulated and also through the forms which have been made available for this purpose on the Web Site or through the Social Networks:
• To deal with, process and respond to requests for information.
• Attend to and settle incidents, complaints, claims or consultations from the User in relation to the Firm and its activities and whatever other kind of events that might be organized and/or promoted by the Firm.
The data will be kept for the processing of the application form and when this is settled, during a period of one year more.
In order to contact you or to keep you informed:
To carry out the sending out of communications about activities, events, products and services of the Firm, as well as the sending out of a Newsletter, by e-mail, SMS or a similar means.
The data will be kept as long as it is not opposed by you or as long as you do not revoke your consent.
For attendance at events and activities which ADACEN organizes or which it takes part in:
• Dealing with inscription and assistance (Both physically and on line depending on each case).
• To inform you of the state of your inscription and, if the case should need it, about the latest developments of the event.
• To deal with the inscription when these are proceeding.
• To facilitate access to the installations of the firm or to third parties when these correspond.
• To emit the attendance accreditation, when it is ready.
The data will be kept during the running of the event and, when this is over, until the expiry date of the possible responsibilities that might derive from it.
To become a member of the entity:
• To arrange your adherence to the entity and the conditions therein.
• To arrange the payments and other required administrative tasks arising from it which are necessary to bring it to a close.
The data will be kept as long as the adherence lasts and then during the time which is legally stipulated after leaving for the purpose of fiscal matters and responsibilities.
In order to manage donations to the entity:
• To arrange your donation to the entity and the conditions therein.
• To arrange the payments and other necessary administrative tasks arising from it and to bring it to a close.
The data will be kept for as long as is legally stipulated for the purpose of fiscal matters and responsibility.
What sort of data will the firm deal with?
The firm could deal with the following categories of data, depending on the applications which are made:
• Identification data: names, surnames, and when necessary, identification (ID card)
• Contact data: Postal address, mobile phones, e-mail address which you wish to pass to us.
• Professional data related to work or company to which you belong, whenever that information might be valid for the purpose that legalizes this collection of data.
• Bank data. In the case of donations, voluntary offers or adhering to the entity.
In the case where you facilitate data of third parties – for example, in order to arrange the inscription to a particular event in their name, - it must be shown that it is done so with their consent and that there is a commitment to send the information contained in the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy, exempting the Firm of any responsibility in this way. However, the Firm could carry out the necessary verification in order to confirm this fact, adopting the due procedure measures that correspond, in accordance with the regulations related to protection of data.
What is the legitimization in the treatment of data?
The treatment of data related to the User on the part of ADACEN is based on the consent which we request at the moment of the collection of data, the legitimacy derived from the provision of services contracted and/or requested and the legitimate interest of the firm. However, in the case of withdrawing your consent, this will not affect the legality of the treatment given previously to the data.
The consent obtained for the above-mentioned purposes are independent from each other so the user can only revoke one of them without this affecting the rest of them.
To which addressees will their data be communicated?
The data will not be communicated to third parties except in those cases which have been legally foreseen. Likewise, in the case of inscribing for an event in which third parties have been included, as organizers and/or sponsors of the said event, the data will be dealt with by the totality of the entities, for the arrangement of the event, the control of attendance, the permission to enter the premises and, in their case, for those purposes which in their case are determined by these third parties. The firm will not be responsible for those additional purposes to the organization of the event.
Equally, their data could be available for third parties to access who are giving a service to the Firm, such as suppliers of accommodation, or computer developments, fiscal and accountancy, among others. In no case, are these third parties eligible to deal with the data for their own purposes, such as to send as commercial information or to give away the data to other entities, without first obtaining the consent of the holders.
The User:
• Guarantees to be over 18 years and that the data that is given to the Firm is true, exact, complete and up-to-date. To this end, the User must respond to the veracity of all the data that is communicated and must also maintain the data which has been given up-to-date so that the data responds to the current situation in all respects.
• Guarantees that third parties have been informed who have received the data, in the cases where this occurs, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, it is guaranteed that his authorization has been obtained to give the data to the Firm for the purposes outlined.
• will be responsible for false and fake information which he provides to the Web Site and for the damage and harm, direct or indirect, which is caused to the Firm or to third parties.
The user can send a written message to the Firm, to the address shown on the headline about this present policy, or to the email address: with the reference “Data Protection”, attaching a document which shows your identity. This can be done at any moment and without any charge, in order to:
• Revoke any consent previously bestowed.
• Assess your personal data.
• Rectify incomplete or inexact data.
• To request the elimination of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose that it was collected for.
• To obtain from the Firm the limitation of the treatment of the data whenever some of the previous conditions in the regulations about the protection of data have been fulfilled.
• To request the portability of your data to another responsible person.
Likewise, the User is informed that at any time, a claim relative to the protection of personal data may be interposed before the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data at the address: Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or to the web site:
The Firm will treat the data of the User at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and maintain the mandatory obligation of secrecy with regard to this data, in line with that laid down in the applied regulations and norms. The Firm will adopt to this end all the measures of a technical and organizational nature which are necessary to guarantee the safety of the data and so prevent any alternations, loss, or handling of the data or any kind of unauthorized access and be conscious of the technological state of the data, the nature of the stored data and the risk to which it could be exposed.
The headings of the different clauses are simply informative and these will not affect or qualify or amplify the interpretation of the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy. Likewise, the firm could modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, totally or partially, publishing any kind of change in the same form in which this document appears or in any kind of communication directed at the users.
The temporary validity of the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy coincides therefore with the time of its exposure, until it may be totally or partially modified, at which point the modified text will become valid.
Independently of what is laid down in the particular conditions which in their case are established, the Firm can terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any moment and without previous warning, access to the content of the Web Site, without any possibility on the part of the user having the right to demand any kind of indemnity. After such extinction, the prohibitions will remain valid about the use of the content previously laid down as to the Legal Warning and Privacy Policy.
Likewise, should the user breach the present conditions, the firm has the right to suspend or cancel their profile automatically and without previous warning, and in no case would such a suspension or cancellation give the user the right to any kind of indemnity whatsoever. To this end, the Firm informs that it could put any breach of the existing legislation in the hands of the police or legal authorities and collaborate with them if it finds such breaches or suspects of any kind of offence committed in this way.
In the case that there exists some discrepancy between what is established in the present Legal Warning and the Privacy Policy and the particular conditions of each service specified in the Web Page, what is laid down in these conditions will prevail.
In the case that any of the regulations were declared null or void and inapplicable, in its totality or partially, by any kind of court, tribunal or any competent administrative organ, this nullity or inapplicable point will not affect the other regulations laid down in the same text.
The non-exercise or execution on the part of the Firm of any right or regulation contained in the present Legal Warning and Privacy Policy will not constitute a renouncement of the same.
The existing regulations will determine the laws that should govern and the jurisdiction that should be known about the relationships between the entity and the user. However, when the said regulation foresees the possibility for the parties to be subject to a particular jurisdiction, for any litigious question derived from or related to this Web Site, it will be the existing Spanish law that will be applied at the time of litigation. Likewise, the firm and the users, when they expressly renounce any other legislation that might correspond to them and whenever the legislation permits it, will always subject themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Pamplona (Navarra).
In order to present claims related to the use of our services, users can avail of the e-mail address or the physical address which is indicated in the section “Identification”, where we promise to try to find an amicable solution to any kind of potential conflict.
Last Update: October, 2019.