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What is DCA
Scalp Traumatisms
Strokes: cerebral hemorrhage and brain clots
Other causes
The Aftereffects
Physical aftereffects
Cognitive aftereffects
Communication aftereffects
Behavior aftereffects and emotions
Within the family environment
Adacen responds
ACD is a Cerebral damage which is produced in a sudden manner, mostly to an ictus or a craneoencephalic traumatism.

The range of severity and the aftereffects of cerebral damage are very wide, ranging from complete recovery to a permanent vegetable state. Some of the aftereffects could have a significant effect on the autonomy of the patient and also change the situation of other family members.

The most common causes of ACD (Acquired Cerebral Damage) are:
Traumatic brain injury
A Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a blow to the head which is sufficiently intense as to alter the level of conscience or to cause a cranial fracture. Most people who suffer a TBI are young men and women who have had accidents at work or by traffic accidents. Other causes of TBIs are falls (especially among children and old people), blows and knocks suffered as a result of a sports activity or a risk activity
Ictus, or vascular-cerebral accidents (VCA) are provoked by problems of cerebral circulation. Ictus are produced by obstruction of the arteries (thrombosis), or by a breakage in the arteries (hemorrhage). The expression burst blood vessel refers to this latter type of ictus.

The extension of the affected cerebral area, the localization of the injury and the age of the patient are the three factors which fall into, in the clearest way, the clinical picture which emerges in the days and weeks following the ictus.   "One out of every six people will suffer an ictus in Spain, over their lifetime" The good news is that it can be prevented. In this document we tell you how to detect an ictus and what you can do to avoid it happening. 
Would you know how to detect an ictus?

Other causes
Other causes which could produce Acquired Cerebral Damage are:

-  Anoxia cerebral
A lack of oxygen in the brain which could be caused by a heart attack, a suffocation, poisoning through carbon monoxide, a choking and other disruptions of the breathing system. Prenatal or perinatal anoxia are also frequent causes of cerebral injury.

- Tumors
As in the case of traumatisms, survival in cases of cerebral tumors are increasing. This gives rise to cases of people have survived this serious illness but who need to face processes of rehabilitation.

- Encephalitis
The most frequent cause is infection through the herpes virus. This type of infection affects the temporary and front lobes above all. Problems of memory and of language as well as emotional and behavioral ones are common in the most serious cases.